Sikkim University Recruitment For

Date24 January 2024
Sikkim University Recruitment ForPROFESSOR
No Of Sikkim University Recruitment20
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For Sikkim University Recruitment
Sikkim University Address6th Mile, Samdur, P.O. TADONG, GANGTOK, SIKKIM  737102


An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the CARE UGC-listed journals and a total research score of 120.  


A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor, and / or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate.


(i) An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the CARE UGC-listed journals and a total research score of 120 as per the criteria given in Appendix II, Table 2. (ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor, and / or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate. or An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the relevant/allied/applied disciplines, from any academic institutions (not included in A above) / industry, who has made significant contribution to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence provided he/she has ten years’ experience.

How To Apply For Sikkim University Vacancy :

Interested Candidates Can apply Last Date – 05 February 2024.


Interested candidates may apply online through the University website on or before 05.02.2024. 2. The University reserves the right to: i. Draw reserve panel(s) against the possible vacancies in the future. ii. Relax any of the qualifications/experience at its discretion; and iii. Not fill up any or all advertised posts on regular basis without assigning any reason thereof. iv. Increase or decrease the number of posts advertised. 3. Persons already in regular service should produce NOC from their departments at the time of interview. 6 4. SCs/STs/OBCs/PWDs/EWS may upload relevant certificates, wherever necessary. 5. The emoluments, allowances, facilities & other benefits of the selected teachers will be in accordance with the instructions issued by Central Government /UGC from time to time and adopted by the University. 6. The Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification of the candidate concerned. 7. Incomplete forms may be summarily rejected. 8. In cases where hard copies of the details have been asked for must reach the University by 12.02.2024 failing which the application may be rejected. 9. All formal communication should be addressed to 10. No TA/DA shall be admissible to the candidates for the interview. 11. Application Fee: Sl. No. Category Total 1. General & OBC Rs. 1,000/- 2. SC/ST/PWD/Women Nil
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