CET Haryana 2023: Latest Updates Like Notification, Exam Date, Vacancies, Admit Card

CET Haryana 2023: The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has officially released the notification, Exam Calendar 2023, and Vacancies for the Group C posts under CET 2023. If you are interested and eligible, you can apply online for the CET Haryana Mains Exam from the official websites hssc.gov.in or onetimeregn.haryana.gov.in. The online application process starts on April 15, 2023. The tentative exam calendar for the CET Group C Vacancies in multiple categories was released by the HSSC on March 7, 2023.

CET Haryana 2023

Recruitment OrganizationHaryana Staff Selection Commission(HSSC)
Exam NameCommon Eligibility Test (CET)
Post NameGroup C And Group D
Salary/Pay ScaleVaries Post wise
Job LocationHaryana
Mode Of ApplyOnline
CategoryCet Haryana 2023
Official Websitehssc.gov.in

Important Dates For Group C

Cet Haryana Group C Mains Exam Apply Start15 April 2023
Last Date To Apply Group C Mains Exam18 May 2023
Haryana CET Group C Mains Admit Card2 August 2023
Haryana CET Mains Exam Date For Group 57 Posts6 August 2023
Haryana CET Mains Exam Date For Group 56 Posts7 August 2023
HSSC CET Group C Post Preference26 Sep- 2 Oct 2023

Important Dates For Group D

Cet Haryana Group D Exam Apply Start5 June 2023
Last Date To Apply Group D Exam6 July 2023
Haryana CET Group D Exam Date21-22 Oct 2023

Application Fees

Mode Of PaymentOnline
  • No Application Fees For CET Mains Exam Registration

Age Limit:

  • 18-42 years
  • Age Relaxation as Per Government Rules
Post NameVacancyQualification
Group C Posts3199812th/Graduation
Group D Posts1353610Th Pass

CET Haryana 2023 Selection Process

Whenever the Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) initiates the recruitment process for Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts, the eligible candidates will be informed based on their CET score.

The commission will make a decision on whether to select candidates solely based on their CET score or to conduct a separate test for certain positions. For the recruitment of Group D posts, selection will be made based on the CET score, while for Group C, there will be an additional test.

When the number of vacancies is up to a maximum of 50 posts, the commission will call five times the total number of posts for recruitment. For vacancies exceeding 50, three times the number of candidates will be called based on the CET score/percentile, categorized by candidates.

In cases where multiple candidates are eligible at the cutoff score, all eligible candidates will be called for further consideration.

In the selection process, a maximum of 5 additional points will be given in Group C and Group D posts for social, economic, and experience factors, which will be directly added to the candidate’s CET score.

This process ensures a fair and transparent selection of candidates for Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts based on their CET performance and additional factors. Candidates should stay updated with HSSC notifications for further details and recruitment updates.

CET Haryana Prelims Exam Pattern

The Haryana CET 2023 written exam is divided into six parts, each containing 100 multiple-choice questions. Each question carries 0.95 marks, resulting in a total of 95 marks for the entire written exam. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.However, it is important to note that if a candidate leaves a question blank, 0.95 marks will be deducted from their total score. To avoid this deduction, the candidate must select the fifth option, indicating that they are not attempting that particular question.

General Knowledge + Computer15 (11=4)14.25
Haryana GK2523.75

CET Haryana Group C Mains Exam Pattern

In the HSSC CET Group C recruitment process, the candidates who qualify in the Prelims Exam will be eligible to appear for the Group C Mains Exam. The Mains Exam will carry specific weightage for different subjects to assess the candidates’ knowledge and skills.

For the CET Haryana Group C Mains Exam, the weightage is as follows:

  • Haryana General Knowledge: 20% This section will test the candidates’ knowledge about the state of Haryana, its history, geography, culture, and other relevant topics. It will account for 20% of the overall marks in the Mains Exam.
  • Computers: 10% The Computers section will evaluate the candidates’ proficiency in computer-related topics such as basic computer knowledge, software, hardware, and computer applications. It will contribute to 10% of the total marks in the Mains Exam.
  • Concerned Subject: 70% The largest weightage is given to the Concerned Subject, which is specific to the field or discipline for which the candidates are being recruited. This section will focus on assessing the candidates’ expertise and understanding in their respective areas and will carry 70% of the overall marks in the Mains Exam.

Important Links

HSSC CET Group C Post Preference LinkClick Here
HSSC CET Group C Post Preference NoticeClick Here
CET PMT Notice (Date.10.8.2023)Notice
CET Group 57 Question PaperQuestion Paper
HSSC CET List of Additional Candidates with Exam Centre [Group 57]Click Here
HSSC CET List Of Exam Center With Candidates List [Group 57]Click Here
HSSC CET Additional List of Candidates for ExamClick Here
HSSC CET PMT Postpone NoticeClick Here
CET Group 56 Mains Admit Card Download Link (Group 56)Click Here
CET Group 57 Mains Admit Card Download Link (Group 57)Click Here
HSSC Official WebsiteHSSC
Check Othe Govt JobsSarkariCareer.in

FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]

What Is cet Haryana?

CET, which stands for Common Eligibility Test, serves as the standardized examination for various Government Jobs in Haryana, specifically for Group C and Group D positions. The selection process for jobs such as Clerk, Gram Sachiv, Patwari, Group D, and others will be solely based on the performance of candidates in the CET.